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is a place where the stars are seldom
seen, and then only in great splashes
through tangled woodland arms. A
place where every wind smells of
spicy resin, whispering in the voices
of bare branches and dead leaves.
And in places deep within, where
even the moonlight gets lost, it
can be a lonely, haunting place.
the traveler alone, or in twos and
threes, the Piney Woods may not
be a place to be caught alone when
the sun has set and the night creatures
are stirring. But to the virtual
traveler, there is nothing to fear.
Or, is there?
No. 1: Deserted
Benedictine Monastery, Covington,
near St. Benedict.
Since the earliest settlers arrived
in the wild woodlands that later
became St. Tammany Parish there
were among them men and women of
faith charged with keeping the righteous
right and evangelizing the natives
to increase the ranks of the church.
One such frontier ministry was instituted
by the Benedictine brothers north
of what is today Covington. Though
the Benedictines now have a strong
presence at St. Joseph’s Abbey
and Seminary, the long ago monastery
was a shadow of that modern edifice.
Built precariously on the edge of
the wild and left to fend for itself
for long stretches of times between
supply wagons, it is said that the
brothers and laymen of the first
Benedictine monastery were killed
by Native Americans who attacked
the holy place and burned all remnants
of it to the ground. Legend has
it that the Natives even dug up
the dead from the consecrated cemetery
that stood not far from the monastery
Since that horrific event, which
most likely took place in the early
1700’s, a strange apparition
has been spotted in the piney woods
outside of Covington: the apparition
of the monastery itself is seen
to appear and disappear at unexpected
times in the shadowy woods.
Witnesses who claim to have seen
the monastery say it is like seeing
a grey, shadowy “photo negative”
of a building – almost, but
not completely transparent. Others
claim to have discovered the desecrated
graveyard where they say a feeling
of such malevolence overwhelms them
that it is impossible to linger
there long. Invariably, they are
never able to relocate the graveyard,
despite any number of attempts.
Still others have heard the sound
of ghostly Gregorian chant and claim
to have seen the shapes of hooded
monks walking through the shadows
of the trees.
The mysterious disappearing monastery
is said to lie somewhere off the
River Road, not far from St. Benedict
and the present day St. Joseph’s.
Where it was originally is anyone’s
guess, but if you travel the old
River Road, you just might see this
number one most chilling place.
No. 2: Artesia Restaurant and Inn,
Hwy. 59, Abita Springs.
The sleepy little town of Abita
Springs grew to prominence because
of the luck of its location –
in the heart of the ozone belt at
the confluence of several healthy
artesian wellsprings. People came
from miles around to “take
the waters” at Abita Springs
and in an effort to provide accommodations
to them more convenient than hotels
in Mandeville or Covington, Abita
Springs businessmen responded with
style and pizzazz. One of the first
hotels to be built in Abita Springs
was located in what is now the Artesia
Restaurant on Highway 59 just north
of town. It is said that the hotel
had all the accoutrements expected
of such a place in its heyday and
that the builder, a man not only
of means but of high expectations,
made certain that every part of
the building and grounds met his
It can be surmised that a man such
as this might accumulate enemies
as well as friends, as he accumulated
money. Whatever the cause, the story
goes that one summer day in the
early 1930’s, the man left
the hotel walking toward town: he
was never seen or heard from again.
Since that time, a restless spirit
has haunted the old hotel and grounds.
Workers in the restaurant have encountered
the apparition of a man standing
in the entranceway or in remote
parts of the dining room. Guests
arriving early have seen the ghostly
spectre peering down at them from
the second storey of the old building.
Visitors who stay over at the quaint
Bed & Breakfast cottages at
Artesia have reported being awakened
in the middle of the night by the
voice of a man calling out a name
they can’t discern; there
have also been reports of heavy
footsteps around the cottage area;
and at least one motorist has reported
striking what he thought was a man
standing in the middle of the highway
in front of the hotel. When the
rattled motorist came to a stop
and ran back to help his victim
he found himself alone on a darkened
highway. (It doesn’t help
that Highway 59 is known throughout
the parish as the “Highway
of Death,” but that’s
part of another story…) Police
have also been called by concerned
residents who have seen a man wandering
aimlessly along the road, perhaps
concerned he is a criminal and up
to no good; patrols have repeatedly
failed to turn up anything, or anyone.
Employees and even the owners of
Artesia Restaurant confess that
they do not like to be the last
to lock up at night. There is a
presence, they say, that broods
in the old building, constantly
watching everything that is done.
Artesia Restaurant and Inn is open
limited hours since Hurricane Katrina,
so call ahead and prepare for a
ghostly encounter!
No. 3: Guste Island Road and the
Famous White Lady, Near Port Louis,
Madisonville is a beautiful little
town that nestles on the banks of
the Tchefuncte River near where
it empties into Lake Pontchartrain.
One of the oldest settlements in
what is now St. Tammany Parish,
the town still sits amid wild woods
and encroaching swamplands. Even
in a heavy downpour there is threat
of flooding from the nearby Lake,
not to mention the surge and deluge
recently experienced in Hurricane
Highway 22 runs through the heart
of Madisonville, crossing the Tchefuncte
at Main Street and continuing on
into the rural areas to the west.
Guste Island Road intersects the
highway approximately three miles
outside of town and is the only
access to the waterfront community
of Port Louis. The road is a long,
winding affair, like something out
of a Cajun dream, alternately lined
with frowning woodlands and empty,
marshy swamps. Gators often crawl
up out of the swamps and sit in
the road or alongside of it, providing
a scare or two, but the most frightening
thing about Guste Island road isn’t
the twists and turns or the local
fauna: it’s the ghostly white
spectre of a long-dead woman.
She appears out of nowhere, say
most who have seen her; often she
is just walking alongside the road,
but as a car approaches she will
suddenly turn and – hopefully
– vanish. On the occasions
when she has not vanished, witnesses
have been aghast at the sight of
her skeletal face and empty eye
sockets. Many have been petrified
out of their wits: some have backed
up practically all the way to Port
Louis, others have hit the accelerator
and blown right by her, but not
before she reaches out with a scratchy,
skeleton hand against the car windows.
One couple, who shall remain nameless,
actually drove off the road and
both nearly died: the driver swore
that he had seen a deer, but his
passenger was all too certain that
the figure was that of a woman in
white who rushed across the road
and into the path of their car.
The car was totaled and both ended
up in the hospital, but they report
that the most frightening thing
was having to wait for the tow truck
and ambulance in the dead of a dark
and cloudy night with the ghost
of Guste Island Road on the prowl.
Who she was and how she came to
haunt this desolate stretch of swampy
road, no one knows, but all agree
that she is there and it is no pleasure
to encounter her, making Guste Island
Road number three on the list of
most haunted places in “New
Orleans North.”
No. 4: Northstar
Theatre, Mandeville.
The Northstar Theatre is an old
building with a history, one of
the most colorful histories of all
the buildings in Mandeville. When
the recreation retreats and hotels
along Lakeshore Drive would fill
to capacity with the rich and idle
of New Orleans, the working class
vacationers found themselves in
need of a place to call their own.
A man named Allen stepped up to
fill that need and he constructed
the straightforward Allen Hotel
at the corner of Gerard and Madison
Streets. Granted, there was no view
of the Lake from the Allen Hotel
windows, but it was close and it
was nearer to the electric trolley
train that continuous brought people
to and fro throughout the parish.
The Allen Hotel enjoyed a heyday
during the 1920’s and 30’s
offering affordable lodging to the
middle and working class of New
Orleans who wanted to rub elbows
(and fannies) with the rich in the
languid lake waters or at the casino
The Allens, husband and wife, ran
the hotel in good times and in bad.
Those good times began to taper
off quickly in the 1940’s
as the nation entered WWII, with
only the occasional GI booking rooms
at the old hotel. In the 1950’s
the hotel was full again with workers
from the nearby pre-stress concrete
plant who were building the wonder
that became the Causeway Bridge.
It is around this time, too, that
Mr. Allen passed away, leaving his
wife to run the place on her own.
Soon, however, she became ill as
well, and management of the Allen
Hotel passed for the first time
to strangers. Around this time (late
50’s) the hotel gained the
dubious distinction of becoming
Mandeville’s first (and last)
brothel, a house of ill repute.
Mrs. Allen, confined to a wheelchair
in a ground floor room at the rear
of the building eventually died
and the building was left derelict
until purchased by current owner,
theatre director Lori Bennett, in
the 1970’s. Bennett set about
renovations to the old building,
redesigning it into an arts complex
and finally into the theatre it
is today.
Mrs. Allen’s old rooms became
part of the theatre backstage area
and it is this part of the old building
where the most paranormal activity
is said to occur. Staff working
in the building alone late at night
or early in the morning on production
days have reported hearing sighs
and a soft voice, like that of an
elderly woman; they have also heard
the distinct sound of a wheelchair
rolling along the old floorboards
from the back of the building to
the front. Most of the time, the
wheels stop at the front door, where
there is always a cold spot. Workers
say they are convinced it is the
ghost of Mrs. Allen, but instead
of inspiring fear, they insist she
is mostly a benevolent presence,
probably casting an approving eye
on the activity in what used to
be “her” hotel.
Mrs. Allen’s ghost is not
the only one said to haunt the old
building, but she is by far and
away the only “nice”
spirit present. Several people have
reported hearing disturbing sounds
from the upper floors of the building,
which is where the prostitutes used
to service their customers in the
brothel days. One volunteer was
shocked to overhear what she thought
was a fight between a man and a
woman; it sounded as if the man
was striking the woman. Alarmed,
the volunteer ran up the stairs
to confront the attacker, only to
find the second floor completely
empty of anyone living.
The Northstar Theatre sustained
damage in the wake of Hurricane
Katrina, but Bennett has vowed that
the theatre will return. We assume
she means ghosts and all …
No. 5: Madisonville
Light, Madisonville.
The Madisonville Lighthouse sits
on a little peninsula at the mouth
of the Tchefuncte River, three miles
south of Madisonville on the banks
of Lake Pontchartrain. Built in
1838, the lighthouse tower rises
38 feet above the shore and has
been an icon to this small, shore
side community for generations.
Inside the building, a winding staircase
of 45 steps leads to the top with
its commanding view of Lake Pontchartrain
and its environs.
Though the lighthouse has withstood
harsh weather, an 1888 storm swept
away all the nearby buildings except
for the keeper’s cottage and
the lighthouse itself. Today the
keeper’s cottage is part of
the exhibits of the nearby Lake
Pontchartrain Basin Maritime Museum,
but the lighthouse remains, in excellent
Over the years there was a succession
of keepers at the Madisonville Light
but it is most associated with its
first keeper, Benjamin Thurston,
who also planted the nearby Thurston
Oak during his tenure. Today the
oak is listed in the National Tree
In the daylight hours, the view
from the lighthouse can be stunning.
But when the sun sets, the coming
of night brings a brooding silence
with it and a tangible feeling of
loneliness prevails.
Security guards have summoned police
patrols to the lighthouse after
reporting the sight of strange lights
bobbing inside, as if someone were
making their way up the stairs.
Since there hasn’t been a
keeper at the light since 1935 and
no one is allowed access after dark,
the lights remain unexplained. Lights
are often seen around the exterior,
bobbing in the brush and along the
shore. Daylight visitors have seen
the shadow of a strange man standing
in the windows of the lighthouse
towers; tour guides say that the
descriptions given match the surviving
information they have about Benjamin
Boaters have also seen strange sights
near the lighthouse, like a red
light that appears in the light
window, glowing brightly before
disappearing. Others, docked nearby
on still, summer nights, claim to
have heard the sound of children’s
laughter coming from the shore near
the feet of the lighthouse.
Thurston may have been the first
keeper, but he wasn’t the
last, and the dark, forbidding ghost
of what is believed to be a later
keeper also keeps vigil in the darkness
around Madisonville Light. It is
not a place to venture alone in
the dark, as some who have met the
fearsome spectre have reported.
One brave soul who conducted a vigil
in the lighthouse claims to have
recorded EVP of the malevolent spirit
growling indistinguishable words
in a harsh voice. The spooked investigator
admits to fleeing the location immediately.
No. 6: Old Creole
Cemetery, Hwy. 90, Lacombe.
The old Creole Cemetery faces the
busy scenic route Highway 90 in
the middle of the little hamlet
of Lacombe, Louisiana. It is one
of the few cemeteries on the Northshore
where Day of the Dead celebrations
are held regularly and on the night
of November 1st every year the cemetery
is alight with candles and festivities
in memory of the souls who have
passed on.
But for the other 364 days of the
year, give or take a couple, the
cemetery sits in silence and darkness.
Few dare to enter it who do not
have family already buried there,
and no one, it seems will venture
there after dark except on that
one holy All Saints’ Day.
There are very old graves in the
little cemetery. Many date from
the earliest days of settlement
in Lacombe and the surrounding areas.
Most of the dead are Creoles who
came across the Lake from New Orleans
to found a new community in the
piney woods of the Northshore. Once
settled they mixed and ultimately
intermarried with the Native Americans
already living here, and as most
were raised in the prevailing Catholic
faith, most ended up buried in the
little cemetery.
But many people say there is something
else in the cemetery. Some don’t
feel fearful of it, but most, especially
those with no connection at all
to the place, say there is an evil
presence lurking among the old Creole
tombs. One night of lights and prayers,
they say, isn’t nearly enough
to keep it still all year.
Late night drivers or those unlucky
enough to be walking past the cemetery
at night have reported seeing shadowy
forms moving among the graves, hunched
over, like someone looking at each
tombstone for a familiar name. One
driver reported that he witnessed
a ghostly visitant literally rise
from the ground of the cemetery
and walk across the road, narrowly
missing the moving car. Not far
along is the Rumours bar and its
not surprising that they get their
share of spooked motorists in there
on any given night.
But perhaps the weirdest thing about
the Old Creole Cemetery is the traveling
The story goes that late one night
a motorist slowed and swerved to
avoid something laying in the middle
of the highway. Pulling over to
the side, the motorist got out of
his car to inspect the object and
was appalled to see that it was
a tombstone, laying flat in the
middle of the road. Seeing no one
in sight to offer any assistance,
the motorist moved the stone himself
and stopped at the next Sheriff’s
annex to report what had happened.
A sheriff deputy dispatched to the
location was unable to locate the
stone, however, another deputy on
patrol eight miles in the opposite
direction came upon the errant tombstone,
once again in the middle of the
highway. This deputy picked the
stone up and, placing it gingerly
in his trunk, went into the station
to make a report. The stone was
removed at the station and placed
against a side wall. To his dismay,
when the deputy returned, he found
the tombstone missing yet again.
Assuming a prank or some petty theft,
the sheriff filed his report and
went off shift for the night.
Two days later another deputy on
patrol found the stone laying in
the road across the street from
the cemetery and called in a report.
This time the deputy did not leave
his vehicle, but, with lights flashing
and headlights fixed on the stone,
he proceeded to start his report
about the finding.
When he looked up from his report
some minutes later he was alarmed
to see that the tombstone had moved
and was laying at the gates of the
Old Creole Cemetery!
Boldly, the deputy got out of the
car and looked around. It was nearly
3 a.m. and there was no one around,
nor had any vehicle driven by in
the time since he had stopped. There
was no plausible explanation for
the movement of the stone and, not
inclined to interfere with what
he deemed “higher powers,”
the deputy left the stone where
it lay. Yet another deputy, however,
on an early morning patrol, saw
the tombstone at the cemetery gate
and stopped to place it in his trunk.
When he reached the station he was
surprised to hear a chorus of “Not
THAT thing!” from his cohorts.
On hearing their wild stories about
the moving tombstone, the deputy
figured he’d put an end to
it and locked the stone in a nearby
maintenance shed while he attempted
to track down family members from
the name on the stone.
A call to the cemetery started the
wheels in motion and a the deputy
was told that a keeper would meet
him at the gates within a half hour.
The deputy decided to leave the
stone in place and go out to meet
the keeper, but before he even reached
the cemetery he received a radio
call that the keeper was on a pay
phone near the cemetery reporting
a TOMBSTONE laying out at the cemetery
Shocked and confused, the deputy
asked a fellow officer to check
on the status of the stone locked
away in the maintenance shed. He
was shaken to hear that there was
no tombstone to be found in the
shed. Somehow, it had moved of its
own volition, and had returned to
the cemetery gates.
There was no living family to be
found who could claim the stone
as their own, but the with the help
of the keeper the proper location
of the stone was determined: it
had somehow been moved, or had moved,
from a spot under a shady oak tree
at the rear of the cemetery. A sheltered
spot, it was only when the keeper
said aloud, “That the old
Indian oak, you know the one where
they found those Indian skulls buried
inside it?”
Soon it became clear: the name on
the tomb was that of a prominent
Catholic Creole who had, in his
lifetime, hated and mistreated Native
Americans. It never was clear whether
the spirits of dead Indians were
responsible for evicting the old
Creole, but it was obvious, in a
weird way, that the Creole was trying
to get his stone back in.
The traveling tombstone was finally
completely buried in a separate
plot not far from the remains of
the old Creole man and the haunted
tree. So far, it hasn’t resurfaced
… well, not yet anyway.
No. 7: Chateau Bleu
Caterers, West Hall Street, Slidell.
The building that now houses Chateau
Bleu Caterers was once a tavern
that hosted a decidedly rough clientele.
Grizzled railroad men, tar-coated
workers from the nearby creosote
plant, and salty old sea dogs fresh
from plying their boats in the waters
of Lake Pontchartrain all converged
at this popular late 19th century
watering hole.
As so often happens in places where
men gather and drink – just
like roosters fighting in a barnyard
– brutal fights often broke
out. Sometimes the police would
be required to break them up, sometimes
a doctor was required to sew someone
up, but usually the disagreement
passed with the intoxication and
men who had beaten each other to
pulp the night before would return
the best of friends to drink another
One particular incident, however,
is not remembered lightly, and this
is probably because it was a continuing
feud brought into the little tavern.
A fisherman and a man from the nearby
icehouse, located across the railroad
tracks from the tavern, were involved
in a continuing battle that centered
around the latter’s wife and
the attentions she showed to the
fisherman. Eventually, the anger
between the men boiled over and
one night after a particularly brutal
exchange of words the ice man disappeared
across the tracks only to return
with a huge pair of iron ice tongs.
The story goes that he waited for
the fisherman to leave the tavern
and then accosted him, first beating
him with the tongs and then using
them to gouge the eyes and tear
off the ears of his victim. The
fisherman managed to run to the
railroad tracks nearby, but blind
and bleeding he was unable to avoid
the oncoming train and was killed
instantly at the West Hall Street
crossing. The ice man, it is said,
went home and beat his wayward wife
unconscious, then committed suicide
with a bullet through his brain.
As time passed, the tavern eventually
closed and the small building went
through a number of incarnations
until it was opened as a catering
business in the early 1990’s.
Popular with businesses and residents,
Chateau Bleu gained a reputation
for fine food throughout the area.
But it was the story of the haunting
that really put it on the map for
some people.
It seems that the murdered fisherman
died but never really left the old
tavern: his ghost is often seen
standing in the shadowy building
late at night or early in the morning
when the staff is about to start
their day. They say that they often
smell his pipe, a very distinctive
tobacco, and sometimes there is
the smell of whiskey. Footsteps
are heard when the building is supposed
to be empty, and several workers
have claimed to have been pushed
or tapped on the head by the ghost.
Most disturbing is the reenactment,
in the early morning hours and mostly
in the fall, of the fisherman’s
death: several witnesses have claimed
to have seen a man running from
Chateau Bleu to the railroad tracks,
clutching his face. When he reaches
the tracks he vanishes into thin
air. Some people speculate it is
the recreation of a tragedy that
has caused the little catering business
to be among the most haunted places
in St. Tammany Parish.
No. 8: Lewisburg
Village Indian Mounds, Mandeville.
The little lakeside hamlet of Lewisburg
was a village that came into existence
around the time Mandeville was being
founded. Located further west along
the lake where the shoreline was
less friendly to resort traffic,
a cottage community took root in
the area and became the retreat
of many artists, writers and recluses
of the era. Even today, Lewisburg
is a wilder part of the quickly
urbanizing Mandeville, and is the
location of many beautiful ancient
trees and live oaks, among them
the famous Seven Sisters oak.
Prior to the coming of the white
man, Native Americans lived all
along the shore of the lake and
it is said that they once used the
area near Lewisburg as burial grounds.
In fact, mounds containing remains
and artifacts were found there as
early as the late 1700’s,
but excavation really did not go
forward until the more inquisitive
era of the middle nineteenth century.
During that time, several artifacts,
relics and bones were found in Lewisburg
and were removed to university collections
in New Orleans and elsewhere for
Around this time, villagers began
to be troubled by shady, whitish
apparitions and by the appearance
of a large, black dog that plagued
the area incessantly for several
years following the desecration
of the grave mounds.
People reported hearing strange
voices in the night woods and peacekeepers
were often dispatched to investigate,
finding nothing and being frightened
away by the howling of the monstrous
At the time of the Civil War, Union
troops camped in the woods surrounding
Lewisburg, as they did all along
the lake. But it was from Lewisburg
that they asked to be moved, reporting
to their superiors in the chain
of command that the woods were full
of “lurking Indians”
and that their supplies had been
looted by a “large, black
canine” that came into their
camps while they were sleeping and
prowled among them. Soldiers on
guard had even gotten off shots
at the dog, but never felled it,
and in fact it seemed to challenge
them by stopping and staring at
them before it disappeared into
the trees.
Today Lewisburg retains its quaint,
colony atmosphere, but visitors
are forewarned: the mounds are still
there, the woods are still as dark
as nature intended, and the black
dog of Lewisburg has never been
captured or killed.
No. 9: Old Marigny
Sugar Plantation, Fontainebleau
State Park, Mandeville.
The Marigny family was a vastly
wealthy New Orleans clan that owned
a huge, sprawling plantation along
the river to the east of the old
City. When Bernard Marigny de Mandeville
inherited all the land and money
that went with his titles he began
to divide the huge plantation into
parcels of land that today make
up the area known as the Faubourg
Bernard Marigny de Mandeville himself
began to spend more and more time
north of New Orleans in the piney
woods of St. Tammany Parish where
he maintained a lovely home overlooking
the water and an even larger plantation
home in the wooded sanctuary near
Bayou Castine in what is now Fontainebleau
State Park.
Here Marigny undertook to create
a sugar processing mill adjacent
to his plantation home to provide
work for his slaves as well as for
freedmen whom he hired from the
surrounding area. The sugar mill
thrived for many years in its secluded
location, while the Marigny plantation
home became a social beacon to the
denizens of New Orleans society.
In his time, Marigny was visited
by French and Spanish royalty, the
notorious – Madame LaLaurie
is said to have been there –
and the famous – pianist Louis
Moreau Gottschalk performed for
Marigny and his family at the Fontainebleau
But time passed and fortunes changed.
Succeeding Marigny heirs relocated
to New Orleans and even to the mother
country of France, and the sugar
mill on the North Shore was abandoned,
ultimately falling into dereliction.
Some brick walls and several old
cistern wells are all that remain
of the old home and mill, but if
the reports of hikers and campers
in the park can be believed, the
place is anything but abandoned.
Several witnesses claim that they
have seen lights amid the ruins
and have heard the sound of machinery
running in the dark night. Others
claim to have felt a menacing presence
around the old ruin – this
is fueled by rumors that followers
of Marie Laveau often returned to
the place and used it for their
voodoo rituals. There have been
reports of misty apparitions and
one report of a ghostly child who
is seen playing hide and seek among
the trees.
The ruins are still accessible and
the state park guards can be helpful
in locating them, but exploration
there at night cannot be advised.
No. 10: Donz Bar,
Lakeshore Drive, Mandeville.
Donz Bar is a popular watering hole
with Mandeville locals and is slowly
coming back from the floods of Hurricane
Katrina. It has a reputation as
a “party hard” pool
hall and bar as is proven by the
fact that most of its patrons returned
to it after the hurricane when nothing
remained but a shell of the former
building: patrons brought lawn chairs
and their own beer and partied on
inside the devastated building.
Donz, however, is more than a legend
in its own mind: the building has
a history that reaches back into
the darkest days of the Civil War.
Union soldiers fought hard to gain
a foothold along the shores of the
lake, and once there they were encamped
all along what is now the manicured
recreation area for this part of
the parish. In the war years, the
building that now houses Donz was
a field hospital for injured and
dying Federal troops and some say
that legacy lives on.
Long before Katrina added her own
ghosts to the mix there were reports
of misty apparitions and unexplainable
noises such as footsteps, moaning
and the clinking of what sounds
like surgical knives. Several customers,
long before tying on their own drunk,
have sworn to seeing the sad figure
of a young soldier, clad in Union
blue with his left arm in a sling,
sitting in the shadows beyond the
pool tables, staring empty-eyed
at the modern melee. The figure
of a ghostly nun, possibly a hospital
nurse, has also been seen walking
behind the bar and disappearing
through the side wall of the building.
Late at night, when the most die
hard customers have toddled off
for home, the feeling of being watched
is most intense, and most employees
like to get out of the building
quickly. Those who linger have often
experienced bar stools moving on
their own or pool balls hitting
together with a loud “clack”
when no one else is around.
Donz is definitely rising from the
ashes of the hurricane, but many
are curious to see how the horrific
storm will have effected the hauntings,
if at all. Only time will tell,
but the bloody history of Donz makes
it number ten on our most haunted
the mid-nineteenth century generations
of well-heeled and middle-class
New Orleanians have escaped to the
North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain,
to the deep, piney woods of St.
Tammany Parish for rest and respite
from the toil of urban life.
Quaint little towns like Mandeville
with its view of Lake Pontchartrain,
its popular bath houses and hotels,
Madisonville with its pirate history
and lighthouse to explore, Abita
Springs with healing natural springs
that provided Nature’s tonic
to all kinds of ailments, Covington
with its commerce, Lacombe with
its Creole roots, and the burgeoning
railroad town of Slidell –
all were the vacation destinations
of the urbanites. The quiet streets
and slow pace of the little towns,
along with their distance from the
clutter and noise of New Orleans,
were the perfect place for recreation
and often for escape from the numerous
deadly epidemics that plagued the
city population.
St. Tammany Parish was by no means
a discovery of the genteel classes:
it had figured prominently in the
history and events of Southeast
Louisiana since the lands were opened
by explorers in the late 1600’s.
British troops had held the area
until their final defeat and expulsion
in the War of 1812; prior to this,
sea battles on the gray waters of
Lake Pontchartrain were not uncommon
and pirate Jean Lafitte even participated
in such a battle near Mandeville
in the late 1700’s. In the
1800’s the very rich and very
popular family of Bernard Marigny
de Mandeville settled in the place
that came to bear his name –
Mandeville – making the piney
woodlands on the shores of the lake
their home for half of every year.
Marigny also built a large sugar
plantation in the densely forested
area that is now Fountainebleu State
Park. Remains of the plantation
home can still be found there today.
Fleeing New Orleans in 1834, the
notorious Madame LaLaurie took refuge
at the lakefront home of the Coquille
family, who assisted her in her
later escape to Paris. Some suggest
that Madame LaLaurie never left
the North Shore, that she took up
residence first in Covington and
finally settling in the deep woods
of Lacombe. Those who adhere to
this version of the LaLaurie legend
say that another infamous woman,
the Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau, often
visited Madame. Though the veracity
of this account is still debated,
it is a fact that the famous traiteur
or Creole healer, Josephine Mosebury
settled in the Lacombe area in a
derelict cottage that had once housed
her notorious grandmother, Marie
Laveau’s protégé
Fanny Mosebury.
With the coming of commerce to the
sleepy villages along the Lake and
a growing popularity among the middle
classes, St. Tammany Parish became
a popular weekend and vacation destination
for a large cross-section of the
New Orleans population. Several
hotels and casinos were opened catering
to this less well-to-do element
and many believe this was the beginning
of the end of the North Shore’s
glory days as a getaway destination.
Ferries from New Orleans still plied
the waters of Lake Pontchartrain
as late as the early 1940’s,
but with the coming of the famous
Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, the
“Longest Bridge in the World,”
the old ferries were put out of
With such a wealth of history and
an assortment of residents and visitors,
some more infamous than others,
it is no surprise that St. Tammany
Parish is one of the most haunted
areas in Louisiana outside of the
City of New Orleans. It is easily
visited in a day – or night
– trip, and certainly should
not be missed by anyone who is interested
in the paranormal.
Quarter Haunted hotels reported
to us by locals and guest These
are all Full-service hotel in
the center or near the Bourbon
Street excitement
Andrew Jackson Hotel
919 Royal Street• New
22 room Inn listed on the National
Register of Historic Places.
Best Western Landmark Hotel
920 N. Rampart Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
Best Western hotel on the edge
of the French Quarter.
Bienville House
320 Decatur Street• New
Orleans, LA 70130
Historic hotel located near
the Aquarium and Canal Place
Bon Maison Guest House
835 Bourbon Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
1833 historic townhouse and
slave quarters.
Chateau Hotel
1001 Chartres Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
Charming and moderately priced
hotel in the lower French Quarter.
Chateau Orleans
240 Burgundy Street• New
Orleans, LA 70112
Vacation rental property featuring
large units and outdoor pool.
Chateau Sonesta
800 Iberville Street•
New Orleans, LA 70112
Three star accommodations on
wild Bourbon Street.
Cornstalk Fence Hotel
915 Royal Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
Historic hotel featuring the
famous cast iron cornstalk fence.
Creole House
1013 St. Ann Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
31 rooms in a 1830's French
Creole home.
Dauphine Orleans
415 Dauphine Street• New
Orleans, LA 70112
Moderate hotel offering French
Quarter location.
Grenoble House
329 Dauphine Street• New
Orleans, LA 70112
All-suite hotel offering full
kitchens and a courtyard pool.
Historic French Market Inn
501 Decatur Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
95 room hotel steps from the
Mississippi River.
Holiday Inn Chateau LeMoyne
301 Dauphine Street• New
Orleans, LA 70112
Modern convenience combined
with French Quarter style.
Hotel Provincial
1024 Chartres Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
19th century charm and modern
amenities in the lower French
Hotel Royal
1006 Royal Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
Built in 1827 and located 1
block from Bourbon Street.
Hotel St. Marie French Quarter
827 Toulouse Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
The Hotel St. Marie is located
just half a block from Bourbon
Street, in the heart of the
French Quarter. Relax and refresh
in the Bistro Moise. A comfortable
French Quarter environment,
perfect for business or pleasure,
only steps from Bourbon Street!
Hotel St. Pierre
911 Burgundy Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
18th century Creole cottages
combined into a 72 room hotel.
Hotel Ste. Helene
508 Chartres Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
National Historic Landmark centrally
located in the French Quarter.
Inn on Bourbon-Ramada Plaza
541 Bourbon Street• New
Orleans, LA 70130
Located directly on Bourbon
Street with balcony rooms available.
Lafitte Guest House
1003 Bourbon Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
Built in 1848 and featuring
14 antique filled guest rooms.
Le Richelieu
1234 Chartres Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
Family-owned hotel in the quiet
lower Quarter.
Maison de Ville
727 Toulouse Street• New
Orleans, LA 70130
A Historic Hotel of America
offering exceptional rooms and
Maison Dupuy
1001 Toulouse Street•
New Orleans, LA 70112
French Quarter hotel featuring
heated outdoor pool and other
Monteleone Hotel
214 Royal Street• New
Orleans, LA 70130
Grand hotel at the entrance
of the French Quarter.
Nine-O-Five Royal Hotel
905 Royal Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
Small Royal Street hotel with
antique furnished rooms.
Olde Victorian Inn
914 N. Rampart Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
Bed & Breakfast featuring
a spa and daily gourmet breakfast.
Olivier House
828 Toulouse Street• New
Orleans, LA 70112
Charming 1839 townhouse with
3 courtyards and a pool.
Omni Royal Orleans
621 St. Louis Street•
New Orleans, LA 70130
Opulent accommodations from
the Omni hotel chain.
Place D'Armes Hotel French Quarter
625 St. Ann Street• New
Orleans, LA 70116
The Place D'Armes Hotel is classic,
yet casual. Nine beautifully
restored 19th Century buildings
house 85 guest rooms surrounding
a traditional planted courtyard
and patio with pool. The Place
D'Armes is the only French Quarter
hotel on Jackson Square, the
perfect place to relax with
the Saint Louis Cathedral, Cafe
du Monde, and Bourbon Street
just steps away.
Prince Conti French Quarter
830 Conti Street• New
Orleans, LA 70112
The Prince Conti Hotel sits
in the heart of the French Quarter
and is adjacent to Bourbon Street
excitement. Within the hotel
is the Bombay Club Restaurant
& Martini Bistro for fine
dining and the best martinis
in town, and also Ms. D's Cafe
for an authentic "New-Orleans"
style breakfast.
Royal Sonesta
300 Bourbon Street• New
Orleans, LA 70130
Full-service hotel in the center
of the Bourbon Street excitement.
Soniat House
1133 Chartres Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
Small lower French Quarter hotel
with deluxe amenities and services.
St. Ann Marie Antoinette
717 Conti Street• New
Orleans, LA 70130
Quaint French Quarter hotel
with pool and courtyard.
St. Louis Hotel
730 Bienville Street•
New Orleans, LA 70130
Courtyard hotel located near
all French Quarter attractions.
St. Peter Guest House
1005 St. Peter Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
29 rooms featuring courtyard
views or streetside balconies.
Ursuline Guest House
708 Ursulines Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
Small quiet guest house offering
privacy and affordable rates.
Villa Convento Hotel
616 Ursulines Street•
New Orleans, LA 70116
This small hotel has been called
the original 'House of the Rising
W French Quarter
316 Chartres Street• New
Orleans, LA 70130
Luxury boutique hotel from the
W chain.
Wyndham Bourbon Orleans
717 Orleans Avenue• New
Orleans, LA 70116
Wyndham hotel centrally located
in the French Quarter.