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Cemetery Cities of the Dead,
Voodoo legends and haunted locations draw
as many tourists to New Orleans as the stylized
Creole architecture, easy lifestyle, and great
music. And a hungry traveler knows New Orleans
is a treat destination offering fantastic
and legendary dining opportunities to its
visitors! Most restaurants stay open late,
well past the Witching Hour and a delightful
culinary experience can easily turn into a
haunted dining pleasures! Elegant to casual
the choice of dining is yours and famous restaurants
and watering holes are spread across the entire
city: Many are purported to be haunted by
spirits of the dead, and some say the undead.
The nightlife of world famous Bourbon Street
can be filled with dark shadows of ghostly
figures and ghoulish delights. Bourbon Street
will spark your interest with a myriad of
bars and people-watching opportunities that
are sure to raise an eyebrow. Catch a long
hard glance at what might be called the
only adult-theme amusement park in the United
States. With X rated entertainment, souvenir
shops, and adult the med gift shops “The
City That Care Forgot" and it happily
lives up to its decedent reputation! Spirits
of the dead are said to mingle with the
living here at many local night spots. Some
tourists and many locals can not account
for strange images in "Ghostly Photos"
they have taken but one thing is certain:
The Crescent City’s most famous street
is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
and spirits of all kinds are said to flow
New Orleans is known for burlesque, bands
and bohemian lifestyles and all are part
of the normal routine. The city has many
historical and haunted walking tours of
the French Quarter (HAUNTED
the Garden District and other areas. These
tours will put you in touch with the City's
long, rich history and exquisite architecture.
You will see the bold and dramatic wrought
iron balconies draped in ferns entangled
with the iron lacework, an effect not unlike
the hanging gardens of Babylon. This is
one coveted treasure to capture on film:
photograph the exquisite New Orleans balconies
and you might just capture a ghost or two
for your own personal memento. Many locations
that playing an important part in the early
history of our nation can be visited on
these tours and most of these places are
definitely haunted! These are the type of old houses filled with New Orleans charm that you would
expect to be haunted. It's hard to imagine ghosts or haunted places in a
location like Rocky Point Rentals on a sun-drenched beach in Mexico, but these
New Orleans houses certainly fit the bill!
No visit is complete with out a stroll
down Royal Street with its antique shops,
and truly one of kind gift shops. The street
is lined with art galleries, curio shops
and private homes many of which have a reputation
for being haunted. Historic Royal Street
adds the charm of supernatural magic to
your visit that will make your visit even
more memorable. Nearby are Jackson Square,
the Cabildo, the Presbetyre, and the majesty
of St Louis Cathedral. The French Market,
where farmers and fishermen have been plying
their trade for centuries, is just a few
blocks away as is the famous Cafe Du Monde
with its coffee and beignets, the Old U.S.
Mint, and the Moonwalk , the elevated walkway
along the Mississippi River Levee with its
spectacular view of the City, the River,
and haunted Old Algiers: All these lend
their charm as part of this great vista,
with opportunities for fond memories and
ghostly encounters at practically every
turn. Like the famous song, “Do You
Know what it Means, To Miss New Orleans?”
you will quickly learn how hard it is to
leave the Crescent City, and understand
why some – living AND dead –
never have!
Tours of New Orleans’
Famous Cemeteries bring to you the stark reality
of the legendary "Cities of the Dead."
Over ninety percent of all New Orleans burials
are still above ground whether in wall vaults,
or large-scale family tombs and crypts, the
old tradition is still active today. These
necropolis are not to be missed, but definitely
do not miss a visit to the most famous tomb
in the entire city: The very haunted last
resting place of Marie Laveau the Famous Voodoo
Queen of New Orleans! Her tomb is located
in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 and it is said
that her very own Secret Voodoo Society still
exists today, visiting the spot regularly.
Devoted followers treat her tomb as a shrine
and on any given day a visitor can find many
totems, fetishes, candles, and other gris-gris
left in honor of the powerful Voodoo Queen.
It is rumored that if you visit near the middle
of June you might witness a ritual in her
honor at the graveside. Another famous ritual
to honor Marie Laveau is held each year on
the banks of Bayou St. John in the Mid-City
area. Followers attend dressed in white and
bring offerings of flowers and hair ornaments
to the legendary mighty Mambo of New Orleans
Voodoo legend.
If you visit the tomb of Marie Laveau remember
this great Haunted New Orleans Voodoo Wish
Knock three times to call
her spirit. Make your wish and turn around
three times in a clockwise direction and
knock three times on the tomb again. Always
leave some kind of offering – Marie
Laveau is especially fond of hair ornaments
but anything, from a coin, a flower, to
a piece of candy, even Mardi Gras beads,
will do. Also look near her tomb for the
most valued masterpiece of purported ritual
hex items, the Sacred Marie Laveau Voodoo
Monkey and Cock. These fetishes are often
left at her graveside and are a very lucky
The Uptown Garden District
is filled with the fabled and sometimes forgotten
history of old New Orleans. The stunning mansions
line St. Charles Avenue with a beauty of years
gone by while classic street cars travel the
St. Charles Avenue stretch of neutral ground.
A ride on one of these famous street cars
is a definite on anyone’s list of things
to do in Haunted New Orleans and is the best
way to view the grandeur of the old homes.
This is the area of the city made famous by
the novels of Anne Rice whose own home is
just blocks off the famous Avenue, on First
Street. Experience the area that breathed
life into the infamous vampire Lestat and
served as the backdrop to the exploits of
the Rice’s famous Mayfair Witches. It
seems almost anyone can be inspired by the
grandeur and history that is Uptown New Orleans.
But be careful! You might just pick that haunted
streetcar to ride in, or perhaps you will
see the ghost couple waiting for their bus
near Napoleon Avenue! Not only this, St. Charles
Avenue is part of the traditional route of
all the old line Mardi Gras parades.
New Orleans is a treasure trove for paranormal
enthusiasts and offers something for everyone
among the many tours available including
the ever-popular Haunted History Tours,
Ghost Tours, Haunted Vampire and Voodoo
Tours, and historic walking tours. There
are tours of the River Road and Plantations
where you may encounter the Black Lady of
Oak Alley or the ghosts of Destrehan or
Houmas House. And let’s not forget
the outlying areas from which New Orleans
gets much of its rich, dark history filled
with legends of the famous Loup Garou and
encounters with the sasquatch-like creature
haunting the Honey Island Swamp. You can
experience these areas fist hand on any
of the popular Swamp and Airboat Tours and
boat tours of the Honey Island Swamp.
Pirates are part of these swamp legends
too, and you can visit the dark, moss hung
bayous where Jean Lafitte is said to have
buried his treasure with ghostly guardians
protecting it throughout eternity. Perhaps
you may glimpse some of the deep glades
and islands where swamp Voodoo Queens and
Witches danced around fires in the dark,
hot Louisiana nights. Zombies and ghouls
are said to share the deep swamp shadows
with alligators and snakes.
New Orleans truly offers a
colorful pallet full of history and legend
to all who visit here. Whether it is culture,
cuisine, music or history, or a taste of the
truly paranormal that brings you here, Haunted
New Orleans Tours can help you tour it now
and plan ahead for your own unique adventure
in the City That Care Forgot. With our help,
your visit will be something quite out of
the ordinary. Haunted New Orleans Tours prides
itself on sending the curious off the beaten
path, so be sure to explore everything we
have to offer. Check our site to find hotels,
tours, and travel packages designed especially
for the paranormal enthusiast – whether
you plan to visit in person or safely from
your armchair at home! New Orleans is also
ranked as the 10th top U.S. destination as
well as, the 3rd most popular city for destination
weddings & elopements.

One student
and his girlfriend, thinking the little wooded
road a good place to get cozy for a night out,
pulled into Grunch Road out of sight of the
main highway and turned off their headlights.
With only the glow of the radio providing light,
the two teens went quickly to work on their
own particular "night moves."
Here for more)
For a few years, the fact that such a monstrous
being was kept in the heart of the French
Quarter was the subject of continuous gossip.
The pitiful and chilling wails were not of
this earth, and whenever the rain would fall,
it seemed, the baby would moan and howl incessantly,
to the great disturbance of French Quarter
( Here for more)
Our ever growing list of New Orleans, Louisiana
Haunted Hotels can help you find a place to
stay where, hauntings, specters, Voodoo cursed
Zombies, Vampires and ghosts are said to be
more then just rumored to be mingling amongst
the guests.
(click Here for more)
The Most Haunted Bars
in New Orleans
The next time you’re in one of the great
Old French Quarter bars looking for spirits,
consider having a drink in a location famous
for spirits of a different kind!
to some locals, the following are the Most
Haunted Bars in New Orleans and are among
the best places for possible encounters with
the unseen.
(click Here for more)
The first of the renowned City Park golf courses
opened in 1902 and many times over the years
these beautiful courses have won distinction
as some of the most picturesque to be found
anywhere in the world.
recent reports are true, the City Park golf
courses may be offering up more than great
golfing: They may also be among the most haunted
in the world.
(click Here for more)
The tales of haunted New Orleans bus stops,
buggies, cabs and buses can take the average
tourist on an unplanned adventure into the
paranormal side of Haunted New Orleans!
for more)
“The Bone Pile”
the world there are many, varied and curious
ways of disposing of the dead. In the mountains
of Abyssinia is a people who believe a man
should be buried where he dies without pomp
or ceremony; neither should the remains
be moved from the exact site of death one
foot more than is necessary.
practice is thousands of miles away; let
us come to our own country, and in New Orleans
we find another queer, unique mode of burial.
In order to more clearly understand this
mode of burial, we should first know something
of her cemeteries, which are more than thirty
in number.
Here for more)
With 200 years of ghostly legends involving
Voodoo curses, Spanish moss-draped oaks
encircling duels, cold-blooded murders,
stories of Revolutionary War-era Pirates,
Civil War soldiers, and Jazz, New Orleans
has earned a serious reputation as one of
America’s most haunted cities.
Haunted New Orleans Tours is the most popular
tourist site to have your virtual brush
with the Supernatural! But there is more
to Haunted New Orleans than just the spine-tingling
locales: A visit to Haunted New Orleans
is an experience you will never forget!
Hauntedneworleanstours.com is
a ghost tour information site; our information
is only as reliable as readers' contributed
ghost and haunted reports. We assume no credit
for your adventures, and accept no liability
for your misadventures. Use common sense. Read
our ghost hunting recommendations. Before visiting
any "haunted" site, verify the location,
accessibility, safety, and other important information.
Never trespass on private and/or posted property
without permission from the proper authorities.
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