Delphine Lalaurie
haunted house ghost pictures
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House Ghost New Orleans"
Lalaurie Ghost Photographs, ghost
photos Post Hurricane Katrina
Do you
see the Lalaurie House Ghosts?
Many claim to have seen them
in these photographs, or is
it just a trick of the lights
and shadows.
Ghost Photos submitted
by visitors, as well as those
submitted by the researchers
and haunted walking tour guests,
and residents of New Orleans.
We only ask you to be the real
judge of these anomalies of
these New Orleans Lalaurie House
ghost photos.
Perhaps the most
famous haunted house in N'awlins.
In 1834 a fire broke out in
the kitchen. When authorities
arrived, they found the top
floor entrance barred. Upon
breaking through they found
tortured and mutilated slaves,
chained and bound, both dead
and alive.
All visitors traveling to New Orleans, from executives flying on first class airline tickets to tourist groups in coach, should see the Lalaurie House. It is a first class attraction in New Orleans and the tickets are reasonably priced.
Hideous scientific
experiments had been performed
on these slaves by Dr. and Madame
Lalaurie that, upon reading,
made our stomachs turn. For
many years real ghost stories
of black slave ghosts roaming
the hallways were circulated,
and the house went through many
transformations since no one
wanted anything to do with a
house where such vile things
had taken place.
Now the home has
been restored to its original
beauty and the stories of ghosts
have been quieted. Are have
New Orleanians
share there Lalaurie House ghost
photos on the world wide web.
New Orleans has been referred
to as "The most haunted
city in America". Those
of us who live in this city,
and love it, like to think that
ghosts remain here because no
one ever really wants to leave
New Orleans.
Ghosts of New
New Orleans is known for its
exotic history rich in the paranormal
occurrences, Ghost sightings
and Voodoo Spirits.
Delphine Lalaurie haunted house
ghost pictures
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and Submit your haunted Lalaurie
House Ghost Photos Visit Here!

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